Saturday, March 28, 2020

Welcome to Ron Collins' Vaiden, Mississippi Page !!!

Located on Interstate 55, Vaiden is approximately 80 miles north of Jackson, MS, and 135 miles south of Memphis, TN, at mile marker 174. It is one of two County Seats in Carroll, County, and is my former hometown. I hope you'll enjoy your visit, and I'll add more information, as time permits.Be sure to visit my Mississippi Page -- Rated #1 in the U.S.A. for Pages Concerning Mississippi and its Resources Please Bookmark This Location and Visit Again Anytime !!!

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Where is Vaiden, Mississippi?

Vaiden, Mississippi Satellite Image

Vaiden’s Highways

Birds of Vaiden -- 2005

1999 Vaiden Map -- 1999 Carrollton Map -- 1999 Winona Map -- 1999 West Map

Vaiden Street Map, Year 2000

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A Cradle of History

In September, 1830, a meeting between the United States Commissioners and the Choctaw Indians at Dancing Rabbit Creek resulted in a treaty granting all Choctaw lands east of the Mississippi River, an area of 12,000 square miles, to the U.S. Government. How long the Choctaws had hunted the wilds of this section of the State is unknown. The earliest settlers found them here in 1820. In December, 1833, this territory was divided into the following sixteen counties: Noxubee, Kemper, Lauderdale, Clark, Oktibbeha, Winston, Neshoba, Jasper, Choctaw, Attala, Leake, Scott, Smith, Tallahatchie, Yalobusha, and Carroll.
Carroll County was named for Charles Carroll of Maryland, friend of Thomas Jefferson, and one of the immortal signers of the Declaration of Independence. Because Carroll was not elected to represent Maryland until July 4, 1776, he was too late to cast his vote for the declaration, but did arrive in time to sign it on August 2, 1776, at the age of 38. Carroll's unique signature, "Charles Carroll of Carrollton", distinguished him from the rest. Carroll, after the deaths of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, both on July 4, 1826, became the last surviving signer of the famous document, and the only signer that was a Roman Catholic. Carroll died on November 14, 1832 at the age of ninety-five years, 1 month, and twenty-six days in Baltimore Maryland, and is interred at the Doughoregan Manor Chapel (his former home) at Elliott City (Howard County), Maryland.
For a list and history of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence, click HERE. A mention of Charles Carroll is made in the 2004 Disney movie National Treasure, starring Nicolas Cage. Although Carroll was described as a Freemason in the film, he was not a member in real life, based on information disclosed thus far. Counties in Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, New Hampshire, Ohio, and Virginia, and parishes in Louisiana are also named for him, as well as Carroll County Mississippi.

Charles Carroll Image
Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5
In 1870, the legislature formed Grenada County out of parts of Yalobusha and Carroll; Leflore out of parts of Sunflower and Carroll; Montgomery out of parts of Choctaw and Carroll. The formation of these counties brought Carroll County to its present shape and size. Since its formation in 1833, Carroll County has undergone numerous changes in size, reducing it from 1090 to 640 square miles. To see the boundary changes, Click Here.
Carroll County was the 10th county formed in Mississippi and was once the largest county in the state, with an area of 1,090 square miles. In comparison, Rhode Island, the nation's smallest state, is only 1,212 square miles. Out of Mississippi's 82 counties, Carroll is (as of 1996) 30th in size.
In territorial days there was an Indian settlement along the Peachahala Creek, known as Shongalo. The original meaning of the word "Shongalo" is contested. The legend is that a beautiful Indian maiden took wings and flew away, causing a Choctaw brave to utter the exclamation "Shan-ga-lo!" Others say it means "lark," "laughing maiden," and "sturdy oak." Discrepancies often arise in the spelling of the name. Shongalo? or Shongola? A map of the United States and Mississippi in 1843, located at the Mississippi Department of Archives and History in Jackson, MS, actually shows Shongalo and Shongola as two totally different towns. Nevertheless, Shongalo was located on a regular stagecoach route from Black Hawk to Kosciusko, the Shongalo settlement grew and many settlers established homes nearby. After organization of Carroll County in 1833, a Presbyterian Church was organized in 1834 and a Post Office was established in 1837. Mail arrived once a week. Shongalo was incorporated in 1840, the same day as the town of Middleton.
Mississippi's Extinct Towns from 1830 - 1969 (Map)
Some of the earlier purchases of land attributed to Carroll County were made by John P. Crittenden in 1840, and John S. Crittenden in 1848. The first written record of any business venture in Shongalo was the store of William Pickens who "sold goods." He lived a mile from the village. Solomon Saber and Charlie Kopperl were among the first merchants, as was John Dear/Dean who had a grocery store. The first tavern keeper was Robb Cross. Eskridge and Stein also operated a store and tavern where the roads intersected. Police records show that, in January, 1836, James H. Fulgham was licensed to sell "spiritous liquors" in Shongalo. Wm. Gillespie had a "house of private entertainment" in 1837. W.J. Kittrell was licensed to keep a tavern in April, 1838. Algernon S.S. Newton was licensed to keep a tavern in June, 1839.
Taverns served as inns. An interesting note from the Board of Police Records for 1835 set tavern rates as follows:
Board and Lodging per mo. . . .$12.50Board w/o Lodging per mo. . . .$10.00Board and Lodging per wk. . . .$ 3.50Board w/o Lodging per wk. . . .$3.00Board and Lodging per day. . . .$1.00Board w/o Lodging per day. . . .75¢Lodging per night. . . .25¢Breakfast. . . .25¢Dinner. . . .37½¢Supper. . . .25¢Each drink of rum, brandy, or Holland gin with sugar "sirip". . . .12½¢Same w/o "sirip". . . .6¼¢Wine. . . .12½¢Whiskey, Country Gin with or w/o sugar. . . .6¼¢Horse feed per mo. . . .$15.00Horse feed per wk. . . .$4.00Horse feed per day. . . .$1.00Horse feed -- single feed. . . .25¢
Despite the availability of "John Barleycorn" in the area, Carroll County had one of the earliest temperance societies in the South, long before the Civil War. For many years, speakers would visit towns to make their proclamations concerning the evils of that "vile drink." Converted alcoholics also traveled the circuit and spoke to standing-room-only crowds throughout the South. Luther Benson, a reformed inebriate, spoke on several occasions, at towns throughout Mississippi. On one tour, he made a speech at Vaiden, which was said to be his best lecture yet. Benson "electrified and held his audience in rapt attention [with his] scintillating truths that penetrated the hearts of his hearers." Benson's solution was to make alcohol available only to drunkards so that "when the present generation of drunkards has passed away, there will be no more." Benson's speech evidently had its effect. In 1886, Mississippi passed Senate Bill 355, "prohibiting the sale or giving away of intoxicating liquors in Vaiden," but indefinitely postponed a bill to prohibit the sale of pistols, cartridges, razors, derk knives, sword canes and large pocket knives" throughout the state.
Other businesses that located in Shongalo were a carpenter shop, a wood shop, a shop for spinning wheels and reels, a carriage shop, a cobbler's shop, and an attorney's office. The primary purpose of towns and businesses was to serve only fundamental needs with few frills.
A young accountant, A.J. McConnico, and his family came to Shongalo in its early days. He lived at Shongalo until the Mississippi Central Railroad was built. Then he moved from the village and accepted work with the railroad where he remained until his death.
Early land owners produced nearly all the supplies for their homes on their plantation. Sufficient wheat was grown to supply flour for the family. Wheat and corn were milled on the place. Candles were also made at home. Hides from slaughtered cattle were tanned. One or more slaves were often trained to make shoes for the family and other slaves.
From 1834 to 1840, the people were primarily occupied with building roads and homes and clearing land. Road conditions made travel rough and tedious. Winding and crooked Indian trails were selected for the first roads, but as the country grew and developed, the planters kept the roads in fair condition, using slave labor. The Police Records contain accounts of many meetings called for the sole purpose of assigning overseers and teams to build roads. Today, nothing remains of the old village of Shongalo. Its EXACT location was 33º 19'40"N and 89º 45'15"W, with an elevation of 410 feet.
Richland Academy
As pioneer families grew, education became very important. In 1836, Richland Academy, a school where pupils could obtain not only elementary, but also classical education, was incorporated. It was located in the neighborhood of Shongalo, one mile west of the present site of Vaiden. The most reliable information states that it was founded by a Mr. Hughes, a graduate of a University in Ireland. Among the boys who attended classes there, one name will live forever in the pages of American and Mississippi history. The boy's name was J.Z. George, who would serve in the U.S. Senate from 1881-1897. George was known among his constituents as "the Great Commoner." He was instrumental in the creation of the Sherman Antitrust Act, and worked to aid education and civil service reform. J.Z. George's statue stands in the Hall of Commons at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.
Portrait of J.Z. George
For more photos of Cotesworth, the J.Z. George Home in Carrollton, Mississippi, CLICK HERE.
Hopewell Academy
Long before the Civil War, a Presbyterian minister, W.H. Harris, accepted a call to Hopewell, a rural church near Shongalo. After assuming his duties, the scholarly minister established a school which he first called Hopewell Academy. Later the name was changed to Milton Academy and became one of the famous pioneer schools of Mississippi. It was a country boarding school patronized by people of all the surrounding communities. Among its attendance were many men that became famous in Mississippi history: J.A. Campbell, Charlie Campbell, Dr. B.F. Ward, the Barksdales, the McLeans, and many others. At Mr. Harris' death, the work was left to J.S. Colmery. The school continued until the building burned. The old brass bell from this school is in the belfry of the Presbyterian Church in Vaiden.
Male and Female College
In 1857, the Old Fellows built a Male and Female College. The college trained women that made their imprint on future generations and men who achieved their highest professional and business potentials.
Irwin and Middleton
Irwin (later, Middleton), once a beautiful little village, was known as "the Athens of Mississippi" because of its cultural and educational advantages. The town was founded when Indians were in supreme control of this part of the state and was first known as Bowling Green, then Oxford, and later Middleton. It had its beginning in a little log store, built for trade with the Indians, and was incorporated by the legislature in 1840. In 1841, the town was one of seven sites considered for the location of a state university (The University of Mississippi (Ole Miss)). By 1850, Middleton was an average-sized town with several hundred inhabitants.
Middleton was built around a square which measured about two hundred and fifty feet to the side; a town dotted with beautiful residences. West of the town was a mill for rolling wool, the original horsepower type. Just prior to the Civil War, a flour and cotton mill were located there.
Baptist, Christian, Methodist, and Presbyterian churches were here. These churches contained an area for the Negroes who worshiped with their Masters. The Negroes had no separate churches at the time.
When the Mississippi Central Railroad was constructed two miles east of the town, Middleton began to de-populate, gradually becoming extinct. In the 1990s, through many hours of painstaking work, the Winona Lion's Club restored the old, neglected Middleton Cemetery, and many of its markers to an immaculate condition.
Old Gerrington
Old Gerrington (Gerenton), located northwest of Vaiden, was settled by a wealthy landowner named McLemore. In 1880, he built an imposing home. Claiborne Nelms, Dr. Sanders and Mr. Gerring were the next homesteaders. Unsubstantiated rumors have circulated for years claiming that Old Gerrington missed becoming the State's capitol by only one vote. Today, the only remaining site at Gerenton is the cemetery. However, one map alludes to the fact that Gerenton might have been called Summerville.
The Railroad Arrives
The Mississippi Central Railroad was built through the southeastern section of the county in 1858-1859. The right-of-way and station site was purchased for $50.00 from the heirs of the late Louis Whitfield Herring; Dr. C.M. Vaiden, Executor. Due to Dr. Vaiden's cooperation and assistance, the station was named in his honor and he was made a director. There is only one other place in the world named Vaiden, which is 8 miles Southwest of Marion, Alabama (Perry County). The Perry County location is called Vaiden Field Airport and sits on a type of soil designated the VAIDEN SERIES, and according to the Mississippi Soil Conservation Office, it was so named in 1930. It is named Vaiden after Dr. Vaiden's cousin, Isaac Butler Vaiden, who taught college in Alabama. This soil is found in most of the coastal states in the South, including Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.
Dr. Vaiden became a large railroad stockholder. D.D. Fullilove, Sr., and Edmunds Whitehead also assisted in the building of the railroad. On June 31, 1860, the president of the railroad drove the golden spike at a point between Vaiden and Winona, marking the completion of the line; G.E. Wells, Engineer. The first depot, built in 1859, was destroyed on January 1, 1865 by Captain Smith,E Company, of the Fourth Illinois Cavalry, under the command of Captain Anthony T. Search, a division of Grierson's Raiders, during their sweep through Mississippi in December 1864 and January 1865.
Source: Report of Capt. Anthony T. Search, Fourth Illinois Cavalry, Vicksburg, Miss., January 10, 1865.
In the early 1800s, the Mississippi Central Railroad became the Chicago, St. Louis, and New Orleans Railroad. In 1882, there were eight daily trains: a mail train, an express train, and two freight trains running both north and south. In 1883 the line was sold to the Illinois Central Company. Agents were as follows:
1866-1869: F.M. McGlathery1870-1873: H.C. Williamson1873-1895: No records available1895-1905: T.B. Alvis1906-1941: H.B. Caldwell, Sr.1942-1946: Mr. Matthews1946-1947: Mr. Ezell1948-1949: Miss McGinnis1949-1950: Mr. Fox1950-1960: H.B. Caldwell, Sr.1960-1962: H.B. Caldwell, Jr.1962-1969: Lloyd RogersThe last Depot survived until the office closed in 1969.
1971 Mississippi Railroad Route Map

I.C.R.R. Photos at Vaiden
From a Postcard Mailed in Vaiden on 01/30/1914 by J.C. Hambrick
Photo 1 -- Photo 1 Closeup (LARGE FILE) -- Photo 2

October 2002 Train Derailment in Vaiden
Photos Courtesy of Kenny King
Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4
Dr. Cowles Mead Vaiden
Portrait of Dr. C.M. Vaiden -- Portrait of Mrs. C.M. Vaiden
Vaiden Family Lineage -- Click Here
The territory opened by the ceding of the Choctaw land in 1830 attracted new settlers from North and South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, and Alabama. This land, excellent for cotton production, could be acquired by homesteading, land patents, or purchase. Some of the settlers were adventurers, seeking quick wealth. With little capital and good fortune, a man could become prominent and wealthy within a decade or two.
Sallie (or Sarah) Cowles, Dr. Vaiden's mother, lived in Virginia. As a young girl, she was "wooed" by her cousin, Cowles Mead (pronounced "Coals"), whom she loved but refused to marry because of their blood relationship. She later married Joseph Vaiden, Dr. Vaiden's father. When their son was born in Charles City County, Virginia, August 21, 1812, she named him Cowles Mead Vaiden, after her cousin, who was famous in his own right.
In 1806, Cowles Mead assumed the duties of Territorial Secretary of the Mississippi Territory. In the absence of Territorial Governor Robert Williams, who spent much of his time in his native state of North Carolina, Mead served a brief tenure as acting Territorial Governor. It was during this tenure that Aaron Burr landed in Bruinsburg on January 10, 1807.
Burr had recently been involved in the now-famous duel in which he killed Alexander Hamilton. When Cowles Mead learned of Burr's presence in the territory, he ordered the militia to establish headquarters at a nearby plantation. While he was a visitor at the home of a local judge, Burr learned that his supposed friend, General James Wilkinson, had ordered his arrest. Burr voluntarily surrendered to Mississippi officials in exchange for a guaranteed trial in the territory, rather than face extradition. Burr was bound under a bond of $10,000, and Mead ordered anyone arrested that appeared hostile toward the Government's views or favorable to Aaron Burr.
Burr was given a trial in Washington, Mississippi, in February, 1807, in which the Grand Jury found him guilty of no crime or misdemeanor. Mead was chastised for making arrests without warrants. Burr was later arrested north of Mobile, and was taken to Richmond, Virginia, where he was acquitted of treason. Mead was later elected to the Territorial Assembly and served in the 1817 Constitutional Convention, but subsequently lost in quests for Congress, Lt. Governor, and Governor. Mead had vast land holdings in Mississippi, including a home at Washington, MS, the town that became State's first Capitol. In the book, Mississippi Newspaper Abstracts, Vol. 3: 1813-1850, P. 133, Betty Couch Wiltshire compiled the following from the May 27, 1844, issue of the Vicksburg Daily Whig: "Died on the 17th, near Clinton, Miss., of disease of the heart, General Cowles Mead. He was born in Bedford County, Virginia the 18th of October, 1776. In 1806 he came to Mississippi as Secretary of the Territory, under the appointment of Mr. Jefferson." Mead is buried in a private cemetery north of Clinton, MS.
For more photos of the Cowles Mead Home "Meadvilla" in Washington, Mississippi, CLICK HERE.

History of Cowles Mead
Cowles Mead Lineage
Article 1 -- Article 2 -- Map to Cowles Mead's Grave -- Mead Land Holdings
Mead Burial Plot, Clinton, MS -- Cowles Mead Grave -- 10/18/1776 - 05/17/1844
Mary Mead Grave (Wife) -- 03/10/1797 - 10/27/1834 -- Cowles G. Mead Grave (Son) -- 11/28/1818 - 10/25/1849
Future Natchez Trace Exhibit of Cowles Mead's Gravesite -- June 26, 2001
Photo 1 -- Photo 2
Photo 3 -- Photo 4
Photo 5 -- Photo 6
Photo 7 -- Photo 8
Mead's namesake, Cowles Mead Vaiden, was educated in Virginia. He moved to Carroll County in 1837 and the same year married Elizabeth Herring. They settled east of the present site of Vaiden, on their estate, Prairie Mont.
Some years later, Dr. Vaiden's younger sister, Emily, came to visit the Vaidens and met Mrs. Vaiden's brother, Louis Whitfield Herring. Emily Vaiden and Louis Herring were married at Prairie Mont on August 20, 1845. In Marriages and Deaths from Mississippi Newspapers, Vol. 2: 1801-1850, P. 145, by Betty Couch Wiltshire, and compiled from the September 10, 1845 edition of the Mississippian (Jackson, MS), the announcement is as follows: "Married on the evening of the 20th ult., at the residence of Dr. C.M. Vaiden, by Rev. A.S. Bailey, Mr. Louis W. Herring, of Lenoir County, N.C., to Miss Emily L. Vaiden, formerly of Charles City, Va."
Both Dr. Vaiden and Louis Herring eventually became large land and slave owners. Contrary to custom, Dr. Vaiden did not allow his slaves to take his name. Dr. Vaiden's land was on the east side of Vaiden and along the Big Black River. Louis Herring's land was west of Vaiden.
Louis Herring died at the age of 46, leaving his wife, Emily Vaiden Herring, and six children. Dr. and Mrs. Vaiden, having no children, adored these nieces and nephews. Dr. Vaiden was made Executor of the Herring Estate.
Dr. Vaiden inherited his mother's charm and fine taste. He lived on a large scale, entertained lavishly and made trips to New Orleans for silks, satins, brocades, jewelry, silver, and fine china for his wife and nieces. He became a very prominent figure in the business, political, and social life of North Central Mississippi. He was reputed to be a millionaire, having extensive holdings in New York and New Orleans. He was a member of the legislature in 1870. He was appointed trustee of the University of Mississippi in 1877 and served until his death in 1880. In his will, Dr. Vaiden left his plantation to Cowles Mead (Herring) Vaiden, his adopted son. Dr. Vaiden is buried in the Vaiden Cemetery. The $10,000 marble monument that marks his grave and bears his likeness, was made and shipped from Italy. In 1880, Dr. Vaiden's funeral was interrupted by a messenger shouting "horse thief." Several men left the service to catch the culprit. When apprehended, the man pled starvation, and was not convicted. The $10,000 marble statue for Dr. Vaiden's grave was lost at sea off the east coast when the ship bringing it from Italy went down in a storm. The monument was salvaged from the shipwreck. A rumor still exists that, when Dr. Vaiden's monument was being transported to the cemetery, its sheer weight caused a bridge to collapse, almost losing the precious statue again. Papers throughout the state told of the loss of Vaiden's founder.

Prairie Mont
Portrait of Prairie Mont
Prairie Mont, home of Dr. C.M. Vaiden, was built in the 1840s on his estate about two miles east of Vaiden. It was an outstanding ante-bellum home, typical of the affluence of wealthy plantation owners of that period. The house was designed and constructed by James Clark Harris, a famous architect from Georgia, who also built Greenwood LeFlore's "Malmaison." All lumber used was cut and planed by hand.
Portrait of Greenwood LeFlore
Malmaison Information -- Malmaison Cemetery Burials
For photos of Greenwood Leflore's Malmaison, CLICK HERE, and Hopewell Church, as well as many others.
The driveway to the house was lined with cedar and magnolia trees. The concrete entrance walk was forty-five feet long with five steps at the gate and four steps at the front porch. The first floor of the house consisted of seven large rooms and cross halls. Each of the two front parlors had floor-length windows and double doors opening into the front hall. There was a long gallery at the back of the house.
The house had four chimneys. All mantels were made of the finest Italian marble. The fresco work on the walls and the medallions of flower and fruit on the twelve-foot ceilings, designed by a famous artist from New Orleans, were exquisite. Imported furniture, heavy velvet draperies, sparkling crystal chandeliers, and family portraits, hand painted by Poindexter, completed the setting of the first floor.
A stairway in one of the cross halls led to the second floor, which consisted of five large rooms and cross halls. A balcony with iron balustrade ran across the front of the second floor. Another stairway led to the third floor, which consisted of two rooms and a hall. One more flight of stairs led to one room, an observatory. This room had eight windows, two in each side. The two north windows had glass panes of one color, the two east windows had panes of another color, etc. There were four different colors, one color for each season of the year.
A man of great wealth, Dr. Vaiden spared no expense in making the completeness of his manor house second to no other home of that period. For many years, Dr. Vaiden's faithful servant, Matt Forrest, was caretaker of the property, and saw to the day-to-day operation of the large plantation.
In 1950, the Prairie Mont Plantation was sold to W.M. (Bill) Lowery, the present owner.

For more photos of the Cowles Mead Vaiden Home, Prairie Mont, CLICK HERE.

A Town Is Born
The following newspaper notice was placed in the "Mississippian State Gazette" of Jackson, issued March 2, 1859. It reads in part:
The Mississippi Central RailroadLots For Saleat Vaiden Depot, one mile North-Eastof Shongalo, Carroll County
I will offer for sale at the Depot groundon Friday, 1st April next, such lots asmay be selected for business or residence.This is regarded as a healthy pointis nearly midway between New Orleansand Cairo, is well situated for a townsurrounded by an exemplary community, witha rich and productive country, a thriftyand industrious population tributary to it.In evidence of its morality, steps have been taken to erect three churches for worship.
Vaiden was incorporated in 1860. (Winona, also in Carroll County at the time, was incorporated in 1861.) In spite of the undeveloped state of the county, Vaiden and the surrounding area grew rapidly because of the fertile land, available markets for produce, and the railroad. Another attraction was the quality of the town's citizens. The planters, merchants, doctors, lawyers, and statesmen all played an important part in the growth and development of Vaiden. At one time Vaiden was said to be the wealthiest town of its size in Mississippi.
As the town grew, many stores and offices were built. The planters came to town for supplies only once a week or once a month, depending on the size of their plantation, its distance from town, and road conditions. Hitching rails and watering troughs along the street provided a place for the saddle horses and teams to be watered and left, along with their buggies, wagons, and carriages, while their owners transacted business and visited with friends. A well, located on the Front Street, furnished water for both people and animals. The old well is now covered over with pavement. When weather permitted, people gathered on the benches that lined the walk in front of the stores to discuss their crops and the news, both local and national.
The following merchants are known to have had businesses in Vaiden between 1860 and 1900:
W.H. Armistead, Wm. C. Anderson, W.G. Colmery, F.A. Grantham, S.S. Lichenstein, H.C. Williamson and the Weir Drug Store. Vaiden, Kopperl, and Hawkins was the largest store, having three departments: General Merchandise, Groceries, and Furniture. Robert Weir and J.B. Harrell were early pharmacists.
In addition to the earlier families, the following are names of families who lived in the proximity of Vaiden from 1860 and 1900, contributing to the growth of the town:
Alexander, Armstrong, Austin, Avery, Bacon, Bennett, Brewer, Brock, Brown, Calhoun, Cole, Conner, Cox, Flowers, Ford, Gillespie, Hairston, Harper, Hogue, Hunter, Johnson, Joyce, Keel, King, Lowe, Long, Marshall, McCorkle, McCune, McKenzie, McLean, McPherson, Morgan, Reeves, Russell, Seelbinder, Shelton, Short, Simpson, Smith, Somerville, Talbert, Tillman, Trotter, Wiltshire, Woods, Vandiver, and others. Many men and boys from these families served in the Confederate Army.
An historical event took place on April 10, 1873. It was decided that the county needed another seat because of its size and the difficulties of traveling at that time. Vaiden was chosen as the county seat of the Second Judicial District. The first courthouse was a brick building constructed that same year. This building was known as the Haman Memorial Building of the Presbyterian Church, named after Rev. & Mrs. T.L. Haman. The second courthouse was designed by Architect P.H. Weathers and built in 1905 by Builder M.L. Lewman, as described in Carroll County Minute Book F. Land, court, and tax records for the Second District are kept at Vaiden.
Carroll is the only county in the state that elects a deputy sheriff. Only qualified electors of the Second District are eligible to vote in this election. The election of a deputy is by Gentlemen's agreement and not by state law. The elected deputy has his office in Vaiden.
Vaiden's EXACT location is 33º 19'55"N and 89º 44'28"W, with an elevation of 350 feet.

Early Industries

At the turn of the Century, a large furniture factory was organized here, which specialized in an outstanding line of products. The Vaiden Furniture Company operated for many years, being first a stock-owned company, then later purchased by J.N. Dodwell, it was managed by Captain W.H. Cole.
In 1901, a brick factory was established which lasted for ten years. Owned by citizens of the town, Mr. A.A. Kaigler was the President, and Mr. J.C. Bennett, bookkeeper and Manager. 3,000,000 bricks were made annually.
The Spoke Factory -- a big asset to Vaiden -- was founded in 1908 by Mr. Jacob Edward Weis, an native of Madison, Indiana, and Memphis, Tennessee. The Spoke Factory made spokes for carriages, buggies, and wagons for many years. Mr. Weis married Miss Lois Gaston, of Vaiden, whose father, William Nelson Gaston, owned a large general merchantile store. Mr. and Mre. Weis were the parents of Mrs. Catherine Weis Melton, Mrs. Mildred Weis Porter, Mrs. Ruth Weis Flournoy of Newport News, Virginia, and the late Mrs. Mary Weis Farmer.
Brode's Hardwood Mill -- located in the vicinity of the Big Black River Canal, about 1915, employed a dozen men. This mill made handles for spades, hammers, axes, hoes, etc.
Other businesses through the years include a shoe shop, millinery, the John C. Hambrick Blacksmith Shop, undertaker, hardware store, mercantile store, and the usual assortment of grocery stores, drug stores, hotels, and the like.
Vaiden has had five hotels: the Cain Hotel, the Vaiden Hotel, the Armstrong Hotel, the Thomas Hotel, and the Fowkes Hotel. Three newspapers and two banks were located here. The Vaiden Bank, in its old location, served its customers for many years.The Vaiden Bank later moved to the building that formerly housed Summers' Grocery. The first theatre showed silent films. Later on, theatres were operated by Bud Baldwin, Mr. Floyd, and Mrs. Evelyn J. (J.K.) Ross. A large list of the businesses that have come and gone can be found on Page II.
For 40 years, the Hambrick Blacksmith Shop was often busy repairing buggies and replacing horseshoes while visitors and townspeople were in town to take care of personal business. John C. Hambrick was originally from Attala County, and he and his family set up residence in Vaiden in 1913, where a blacksmith was needed to supply the farmers with horseshoe replacement, plows and other farming implements. In 1946, he built another Blacksmith Shop behind the stores on Back Street. Upon returning from the Army, Mr. Hambrick's son-in-law, Wilson Caddess,opened Caddess' Radio and Television Repair Shop in that location after Mr. Hambrick's death.
Mr.Caddess operated in that location from the mid-1950s through the early 1980s. He also held the title of Vaiden Fire Chief for many years, and Vaiden Water Superintendent for 41 years. The original Hambrick Blacksmith Shop, located on Back Street, would later become Austin's Dry Cleaners. The Caddess Radio and Television Repair Shop was later torn down after it was purchased by the Vaiden Bank for additional parking space.
Tying in the early industries and businesses of Vaiden was the old Illinois Central Railroad Depot, where all incoming and outgoing freight was dispersed. Many people still remember Mr. Harvey B. Caldwell, who served as depot telegraphy operator for nearly 50 years.
Another feature of this depot was the cotton ramp, and the cotton weighers who serviced the farmers with their products, for miles around. Some of the known weighers were T.P. Whisenant, George Crook, Jim Pollard, and B.C. McDougal, all being elected by the town.
Also of great economic value to the communities, were the cotton gins. Listed as early gins are: The Louis Herring Gin; The Goodman Gin; and the T.I. Applewhite Gin. Later ginners were: Anderson Austin, Tom A. Brock, John C. Calhoun, Sr., and Percy A. Bennett, who operated gins during a span of 20 years. However, workers were still employed in the 1950s to pick cotton by hand. Thomas P. Whisenant either owned or ran this gin.
Moving along with progress came the creameries, some large and others small, but all of tremendous importance to this area. From 1920-24, Mr. Sam Wright, assisted by Mr. Jim Pollard, operated a sizeable creamery station in back of the Vaiden-Kopperl-Hawkins building. From 1925-28, Percy Crook and Ernest Blanton conducted an impressive creamery across the street from the Courthouse, on Mulberry Street. When the Pet Milk Company opened its huge Vaiden Plant in 1928, Mr. Crook was appointed manager and continued a very successful operation until 1940; then with the plant moving to Winona, he was requested to serve in a managerial capacity for another five years.
Numerous records also indicate that Mr. O.G. Cearley, who owned the largest dairy herd in this vicinity, was the company's leading producer and supplier. One cannot underestimate the economic value of both the creameries and the Pet Milk Plant to Vaiden. These former flourishing firms furnished a vast market and an extra income to farmers and dairymen, far and near, all of which benefited every phase of our business structure.
The Lumber Industry has always been a significant part of Vaiden's industrial progress. Some of the early known sawmills were owned by Austin Anderson, John C. Calhoun, Sr., John M. Vandiver, Murry D. and Charles Stewart. One of the largest sawmill and gin complexes here at the turn of the century was that of Mr. Barksdale Austin, with 20-30 employees.
Another addition to Vaiden's growing economy in 1928 was the Peeler Lumber Company which occupied a large acreage south and southeast of town. This company was owned and managed by industrialist Sam Peeler of nearby Kosciusko, with the assistance of his wife, Ethel, and daughter Louise. Mr. Peeler employed from 75 to 100 men to saw, plane, groove and kiln the dry lumber. The operation became so extensive that a spur railroad track was required on the property to expedite large lumber shipments. In November, 1931, the Peeler Lumber Company was destroyed in one of the largest fires in Vaiden's history.
A disastrous fire almost destroyed the entire plant, but with faith, the Peelers rebuilt and restocked better than ever, and continued successfully until 1943, when their health and wartime measures necessitated a consolidation with their burgeoning Kosciusko Lumber Enterprise.
Another welcomed asset to Vaiden was the Allen Cooperage Company of Grenada, Mississippi, which installed a stave mill north of town in 1929. This firm employed many men and women, with profitable operations until 1936. Its payroll was a boost to the town during a greater part of the depression years.
In 1929, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Austin purchased from Mr. T.I. Applewhite, the large gin located in front of their home. Attuned to the demands of the times, a year later Mr. and Mrs. Austin erected a much-needed grist mill and ice plant on the same location. The busy ice plant had an annual output of 1000 tons.
In 1966, the Dresser Mineral Company constructed on a site south of town, a clay factory known as Magcobar. From Bentoniate Clay, which was supplied from nearby sections, molds were made for the manufacture of automobile motors Magcobar was absorbed in 1971 by its midwestern parent company, Dresser.
Daily life, however, was not all work and no play. Town meetings, political rallies, holiday gatherings, dances and humorous events were usually on the agenda. Picnics were often held at the old Vaiden Place. In 1934, Vaiden celebrated Carroll County's Centennial, in honor of Charles Carroll. Area events, such as the Montgomery County Fair, were often enjoyed, with only minor incidents dampening the occasions.
Statue of Charles Carroll at the U.S. Capitol
Some of the older generation talked about some of the odd customs of their day and the feuds that took place when they were young.
Present Industries (1976)
Vaiden Cemetery
The Vaiden Cemetery is one of the oldest in Mississippi, having been in existence well over a century. Mrs. Mary Pleasants gave the land for the original cemetery, which was called the Shongalo Cemetery, and she is buried there. The south section of the cemetery is still referred to as the Shongalo Cemetery.
A marble monument marks the place where Dr. Cowles Mead Vaiden, and his wife, Elizabeth Herring Vaiden are buried. This marble stone, approximately 20 feet high, has an angel on top with the right hand raised and a finger pointing heavenward. The square area below is adorned with symbols; justice scales, a honey comb, an hour glass, and others. Dr. Vaiden was a man of integrity and many talents; a doctor, a farmer, a philanthropist, and a statesman.
A grave of historic significance is that of John Cain, a Revolutionary War Drummer Boy. He was born December 12, 1766, and died April 17, 1854.
Nearby is another military grave. The marker bears the following inscription: "Lucas C.S.A. Alabama 1862." This is the grave of an ill confederate soldier whom Mrs. Mary Pleasants nursed in her home and after his death, had him buried in Shongalo Cemetery.
In the southwest section of the cemetery is a plot with a stone bearing the inscription, "32 Soldiers Known Only To God." These soldiers died in skirmish fighting between Union and Confederate soldiers, when the Union soldiers divided into smaller units and began raiding through the country. A fierce skirmish occurred just east of Vaiden, near "Briarwood" plantation, with General Grierson in command of the Union soldiers. The sick were treated and the dead buried by the Wilson family of "Briarwood." Due to the humaneness shown the Union wounded and dead, the remaining Union soldiers were ordered not to destroy "Briarwood." Because of the confusion and destruction resulting from the war, the identity of many of these Union and Confederate soldiers who were killed are unknown, but the burial plot remains, and interesting history is kept alive.
On one side of the cemetery's Confederate Memorial, is the inscription: "Dedicated to the Memory of the Confederate Soldiers, Known and Unknown, Who Gave Their Lives During the War for Southern Independence 1861-1865 and are Buried in this Cemetery."
Before the turn of the century, Joseph Vaiden Herring cared for the graves in this plot and many other graves in the cemetery, and through his interest, the Vaiden Chapter of the U.D.C. was organized. On memorial Day, the children would gather at the Courthouse, have a ceremony, and march to the cemetery to place flags and flowers on these 32 graves marked by a single brick.
Through the efforts of Mrs. Mable Wilson Bruce and the cooperation and support of interested citizens, the present marker was erected which bears the following inscription:"With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address."
A grave marker that causes many to stop and contemplate, bears this inscription: "My Husband, Sacred to the Memory of Joseph H. Harrell. Died March 31, 1859, age 27 yrs. 2 mo. and 29 days." All that is known about this man is that he is listed as a pharmacist among the early settlers of Shongalo. He died well over a century ago and his grave is in a lot surrounded by an iron fence. It is not known why his wife is not buried here but the beautiful marble monument that marks his grave is a visible expression of her deep sorrow. It is a carved lady, in a sitting position, bowed in grief. Local people refer to this grave as the one with "the weeping lady."
A smaller section of the cemetery, referred to as the Cain-McClurg section, joins the Shongalo section.
In the early 1900s, the Industrial Order of the Odd Fellows donated a plot, approximately one acre, adjoining this section. Many descendants of the older Shongalo-Vaiden families are buried in this section. Some family plots contain the graves of four generations.
When the next cemetery expansion became necessary, the latest addition, known as the Wright-Fullilove section was added.
In 1974, the Vaiden Garden Club spearheaded a drive for overall restoration of the cemetery. The chain link fence with four gates was completed during the first year at a cost of $4,026.71. The existing west fence was left for future expansion. The Odd Fellows and the Wright-Fullilove sections were joined by the removal of trees, stumps, and underbrush, grading and sodding. Many people gave time, work and money for this special improvement. A new retaining wall, new concrete steps, and the restoration of the antique fence have added much to the appearance of the cemetery. Other improvements are being planned. This work has been a labor of love.
A look at a century-old grave and then at a more recent one brings the feeling expressed by William Cullen Bryant: "All that breathe will share thy destiny."
Vaiden Artillery
Company E, 1st Regt., Mississippi Light Artillery, was organized at Vaiden in November, 1861. It was organized as Company L., but the designation was changed to Company E. on March 6, 1865. It was not assigned duty in the field until February, 1862. The company, when ordered to the front, encamped until the battle of Shiloh near Corinth. The government could not furnish them the necessary equipment for the full battery, having no horses, and not enough guns. When the battle of Shiloh was to be fought, although General Ruggles reported Bain's Battery was not ready for full service, Lt. A.J. Sanderson, with a sufficient detachment from the Vaiden Artillery to man two guns, joined the Stanford Battery of Grenada men, which was weakened by sickness of their men, and was in the hottest of the fight at Shiloh.
Battles of Vicksburg -- Vaiden Battery Monument at Vicksburg
The detachment lost the guns, but they were later recovered. Several men were killed and wounded. Jeff Sandridge was the first to be killed. Corporal and Gunner J.T. Harris was severely wounded through both his thighs. After the battle of Shiloh, the company was stationed at Columbus for several months. When it became apparent that Grant was making every effort to take Vicksburg, the Vaiden Artillery was sent to that point and given a prominent and important position in the defense of that stronghold.
When the vessels of the Federal fleet drew up in the river above the city, the boys were pleased that they would soon be able to show their skill as gunners. The time came, and as the first vessels came within range, the guns were directed with accuracy and the shots went straight to the mark. Though the vessels passed, they bore the marks and bruises of the shot and shell of the Vaiden Artillery.
During the siege, Lt. J.B. Young was killed on the breastworks. Sgt. W.R. Harris and Lem Eakin were so severely wounded that both died, and others were wounded. While stationed at Corinth, Lts. W.P. Young and D.P. Wilbanks died of disease, as did several other men. The vacancies in the ranks of commissioned officers were filled by E.M. Collins and E.L. Wood who, in addition to Capt. S.C. Baines and 1st Lt. A.J. Sanderson, served the company until the close of the war. This was the largest company that was made up of Carroll County men. The company was later sent to a battery in Mobile Bay, where it was stationed until it was paroled at the end of the war.
Roll of Vaiden Artillery:
Baines, S.C., CaptainSanderson, A.J., 1st Lt.Young, W.P., Junior 1st Lt.Wilbanks, D., 2nd Lt.Young, J.S., Junior 2nd Lt.Collins, E.M., Lts. promotedWood, E.L., Lts. promotedSimpson, John B., 1st Sgt.Winfrey, A.F., Ordinance Sgt.McEachern, J.D., Sgt.Pilcher, J.S., Sgt.Hairston, W.H., Sgt.Oldham, F.C., Sgt.McEacher, W.H., 1st Corp.Buck, T.C., 2nd Corp.Harris, J.T., 3rd Corp.Kaigler, A.A., 4th Corp.Weir, W.C., 5th Corp.Mecklin, R.W., Corp.Oldham, D.T., Corp.Hamilton, T.A., Corp.Hemphill, A.J., Corp.
The Vaiden Artillery has the distinction of having it's own plaque in the National Military Park at Vicksburg. The inscription reads as follows:
C.S.VAIDEN (MISSISSIPPI) BATTERY:RIVER BATTERIES; ARMY OF VICKSBURGCAPT. S.C.BAINSA detachment of the battery, underLieut. E.L. Wood, served one 12-pounder Howitzer in this position fromMay 23 to the end of the defense, July 4, 1863.
To this day, one of the buildings in Downtown Vicksburg proudly displays a plaque detailing the actions of the Vaiden Mississippi River Battery.
The Mississippi Monument was dedicated at Vicksburg National Military Park on November 13, 1909, and serves today as a reminder of the gallant men who gave their lives for the support of the South.
The celebrated unveiling of a Confederate Monument, erected by the local chapter U.D.C., in the Vaiden Court Square, to the memory of heroic effort of Confederate Soldiers -- living and dead -- was performed Friday, May 12, 1912. Another date given for its unveiling is June 3, 1912, as listed and illustrated on page 124 of Confederate Monuments: Enduring Symbols of the South and the War Between the States, by Ralph W. Widener, Jr., Ph.D., and is published by Andromeda Associates, Washington, D.C.
During the War, there was no way for General William W. Loring (Southern Commander in Jackson) to communicate with his troops at Greenwood. Loring directed Colonel Thomas N. Waul, the commander of the legion, to establish a line of couriers between Greenwood and Vaiden on the Mississippi Central Railroad. This ensured an adequate line of communication between Loring's advance position and Pemberton's Jackson headquarters. From Vaiden, a telegraph line ran to Jackson. Subsequently, Pemberton ordered General George to send the Mississippi State Troops assembled at Vaiden and Winona to Greenwood as a reinforcement for Loring.
Bearss, Edwin C., Decision in Mississippi: Mississippi's Important Role in the War Between the States, Pp. 165, 201.
Many other Vaiden residents served in the Civil War. Dr. C.M. Vaiden was a member of another group of 56 men called the Vaiden Guards, led by Captain Joseph A. Applewhite. Carroll County produced at least 41 different military units during the Civil War. They are listed below. Keep in mind that, during the Civil War, the present Grenada County, Montgomery County and Leflore County, and their cities, including Winona, were within the lines of Carroll County.
Black Hawk Rifles; Co. G, 22nd Regiment InfantryBuckner Rebels; Co. I, 30th Regiment Infantry
Capt. Applewhite's Company (Vaiden Guards)
Capt. J.M. Armistead's Company (Partisan Rangers)(Independent)
Capt. Stanford's Battery (Stanford's Light Artillery)
Capt. Walker's Company; Carroll County Militia, Co. C,3rd Regiment Infantry MinuteMen (State Troops)(Owen's)
Carroll County Cavalry; Co. I, 28th Regiment CavalryCarroll County Defenders; Co. B, 3rd Regiment InfantryMinute Men (State Troops)(Owen's)
Carroll County Rebels; Co. H, 4th Regiment Infantry
Carroll County Rifles; Co. K, 11th Regiment Infantry
Carroll Dragoons; Co. B, 2nd Battalion Partisan Rangers
Carroll Fencibles; Co. A, 42nd Regiment Infantry
Carroll Guards; Co. C, 20th Regiment Infantry
Carroll Light Artillery; Battery E, 1st Regiment Light Artillery
Carroll Minute Men; Co. H, 2nd Regiment Infantry(Army of 10,000)(Alcorn's)
Carroll Minute Men, Co. H, 30th Regiment Infantry
Carroll Rangers; Co. E, 1st Battalion Cavalry (Miller's)also Co. A, 1st Regiment Cavalry (Pinson's)
Coms Avengers; Co. I, 25th Regiment Infantry
also Co. I, 2nd Regiment Confederate Infantry(aka 10th and 20th Battalions Infantry)
Coyle's Company; Co. G, 1st Battalion Cavalry Reserves (Denis')
Curtis' Company; Co. C, 5th Regiment Cavalry
Deason Battalion of Cavalry (local defense)
Dixie Boys; Co. K, 30th Regiment Infantry
Dixie Rangers; Co. B, 28th Regiment Cavalry
Ford's Company; Co. A, 2nd Regiment Partisan Rangers (Ballantine's)
Lake's Company; Co. I, 2nd Battalion Reserve Corps. (Cavalry)
McAfee Hussars; Co. A, 28th Regiment Cavalry
McClung Rifles; Co. E, 15th Regiment Infantry
Middleton Rebels; Co. B, 2nd Regiment Infantry(Army of 10,000)(Alcorn's)
Mississippi Rangers; Co. A, 5th Regiment Cavalry
Neill Guards; Co. A, 30th Regiment Infantry
Perkins' Company; Co. A, Yerger's Regiment Cavalry
Pettus Partisans (aka W.B. Prince's Company); Co. A,6th Battalion Cavalry
Red Invincibles; Co. C, 4th Regiment Infantry
Robert's Company; Co. A, 3rd Battalion Cavalry Reserves
Scale's Company; Co. D, 5th Regiment Cavalry
Shipp's Company; Co. F, 1st Battalion Cavalry Reserves (Denis')
Stephens' Guards; Co. E, 4th Regiment Cavalry
Trotter's Company; Co. B, 5th Regiment Cavalry
Vaiden Artillery; Battery L, 1st Regiment Light Artillery
Walthall Rebels; Co. G, 29th Regiment Infantry
Winona Stars; Co. B, 15th Regiment Infantry
On December 23, 1862, Confederate President Jefferson Davis visited Grenada, Mississippi, to discuss the War with Pemberton and to review the Confederate defenses along the Yalobusha River. "Davis, Pemberton, and Johnston presided at a 'grand and imposing review' of the army on the 24th and left Grenada on the 25th, stopping briefly at Vaiden, where Davis gave a short address. According to one listener, Davis 'said the prospects in the West were cheering, and that if the young men of Mississippi would turn out, the invader would be driven across the Ohio.'"
Source: The Papers of Jefferson Davis, Volume 8, 1862. Edited by Lynda Lasswell Crist, Mary Seaton Dix, and Kenneth H. Williams. Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge, 1995. Page 560. First Printing. ISBN: 0-8071-1938-5 (v.8: cloth)
Another famous Carroll County Native, Hernando De Soto Money (1839-1912), served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War. H.D. Money was from Carrollton, MS. He was born in Zieglersville, MS, on August 26, 1839, and served as a U.S. Representative from Mississippi (3rd District from 1875-1883; 4th District from 1883-1885, and 1893-1897). He also served as a U.S. Senator from Mississippi from 1897-1911. He died near Biloxi, MS, on September 18, 1912, and is buried in Carroll County, MS.
Portrait of Hernando De Soto Money
Civil War Heroines
Excerpts from a report read by Mrs. T.B. Kennedyat a meeting of the Vaiden Chapter, U.D.C., September 14, 1909
"I can recall about 38 names of the noble, sacrificing heroic women who met in Vaiden to furnish, make and send articles of clothing to the dear boys in gray, I don't suppose any women ever met together with more willing hearts and hands than our members of 'The Ladies' Aid Society'. . . .There were at least 100, many young girls among them. . . .They could tell of experiences treasured in our memories; some almost obscured by time. [Ed. Note: These women served a vital function in caring for the sick and wounded, as did other notable women during the Civil War.]
The heroines at home made many sacrifices and self-denials 'to keep the wolf from the door.' Potatoes, meal and okra were substituted for coffee; we wore home-spun dresses; even biscuits were a rarity sometimes. . .I will relate a little incident that took place at my own home, the time Grierson made a raid through this part of Mississippi.
The time was January 1, 1863. The heroine then was my own little three-year-old daughter Camilla. One of the insolent Yankee soldiers pretended to have been insulted by some member of our family, and had the impudence to take a torch from the fireplace. Mother asked: 'What are you going to do with fire?' He said: 'Madam, I am going to burn your house.' Then Camilla called to him and said: 'Please don't burn ma-ma's house, and I will give you some wine.' The Yankee said, 'Well, get it quick.' Camilla took the hand of a servant, passing through numbers of Yankee soldiers, and led the way to the storeroom, got the wine, and gave it to the one who said he would burn the house. The soldier said to mother, 'Madam, this little child has saved your house.'"
[It was during this raid that Maj. Charles Kopperl, was killed by a Yankee soldier because Mr. Kopperl refused to give up his watch, and Union Soldiers had no need for Confederate Currency.]
"We also had a hospital in Vaiden. . .Our dear, good women would go to the hospital and take our convalescent soldiers to their own homes, where they were cared for until they were well enough to return to their company. Quite a number of soldiers are buried in our own cemetery, whose grave, after many years lying neglected, have been brought to a respectable condition by the supervision of our esteemed friend, Mr. Joe V. Herring, who so recently passed into the spirit world, and whose kindness and usefulness will be greatly missed. According to Clarence Pierce, the C.S.A. hospital was located on Front Street, but records have yet to be located confirming the exact location. From the first of January [1865]...until the end of the war in April, rumors of Confederate victories, Union victories, burning of distant and of near-by communities were rife -- Vaiden, Bankston, Greensboro, Winona, West Station. . . .On February 2, 1865, the Yankee soldiers demolished Young's Drug Store in Vaiden. The floor was strewn with medicine and broken jars and vials.
Source: Kosciusko-Attala History; Kosciusko-Attala Historical Society, Ch. 8 [by Marymaganos McCool Fenwick], P. 43. 1970s.
. . . .
I thank Heaven that there are so many noble women still left who could and would fill the places of those gone before. They could never surpass the heroic mothers of the South, who have passed and are still passing one by one to the bright and glorious beyond."
Source: The Vaiden Heritage, 1976, published by the Messenger Press, Florence, MS, was compiled by the many members of the Vaiden Garden Club, who tirelessly collected, sorted, recollected, and assembled data about their hometown. Other sources include: Richard Aubrey McLemore, A History of Mississippi, 1973. Vol. 1. University Press of Mississippi. Data concerning locations of historical value provided by the Gazetteer search engine at Lineages.
Thank You for joining me at Vaiden, Mississippi. . .A unique place. . .a place I'll always call home.
About the Author

The Story Continues . . .Page II
Every Picture Tells A Story . . .Page III
Site Design and Compilation of all VAIDEN.NET pages Copyright © by Ron Collins. 2007.
For two great references to Mississippi's towns (in print), be sure to check out The Historical Geography of Extinct Towns in Mississippi, by Howard Glenn Adkins, and Hometown Mississippi by James F. Brieger.


The Footprint Of William Cotton On The Eastern Shore

The Footprint Of William Cotton On The Eastern Shore

By Katherine E. Bird
According to the traditions and beliefs of the Egyptians and Native Americans, as long as a person's name remains among the living in some form, it will never be extinct. And so it is with a man such as William Cotton, dead for over 350 years, yet at this time continuing to be researched, discussed, and written about in numerous university studies. While only in America for a brief time - probably no more than fifteen years - his influence and reputation as a minister, along with his connections to some of the more influential families of the early settlements of the lower Eastern Shore, make him a person worthy of note. An attempt will be made in this narrative to reconstruct a mural of this life through legal documents and court records, as well as some contributions by those who have thoroughly researched this place and period. Hopefully, a clearer image of William Cotton will emerge and contribute to the overall picture of the lives on the Eastern Shore of Virginia in the early colonial period.

William Cotton's early life and the exact circumstances of his appearance in the New World are somewhat of a mystery. Various researchers have placed his birthdate from 1599 to 1610. Many list his father as Andrew Cotton, although there is little substantiation behind this name.[1] William Cotton's will named Joane Cotton as his mother, and his former home as Bunbury, Cheshire, England.[2] The Bunbury parish register lists a William Cotton as being baptized 18 March 1609/10, son of Jeffry (or Jeffray) Cotton. Other children of Jeffry and Joane were Peter (b. 1607), John (b. 1613), Elizabeth (b. 1615, died in infancy), Elizabeth (b. 1616/17), and Richard (b. 1622). Jeffry Cotton was recorded as "a poor man of the parish" at his burial on 28 December 1622 in Bunbury, and Joane a "poor woman of the parish" at her burial in Bunbury on 23 March 1642/43.[3]
With parents considered "poor," and having five siblings, it is difficult to know for certain how William Cotton received his education for the ministry. While he may have been tutored, it is also possible he had a sponsor who saw promise in him and sent him to further his education at one of the universities. There is a promising record from Cambridge University of a William Cotton, who matriculated "sizar" from St. John's College at Michaelmas (one of three terms) in 1627. This could be the same William Cotton, as he would have been eighteen, and many graduates were as young as sixteen. Also, the rank of "sizar" was the lowest, or third, of three ranks. A "sizar" performed many menial services at this time, probably not something done by the students of wealthier families.[4]
If the 1627 graduation date is used, William Cotton immigrated to America no earlier than 1627 and no later than 1632. He was not on the list of persons residing on the Eastern Shore in 1624/5, but by 1632 was the minister when the monthly court was formed. An exact year of immigration cannot be determined at this time, as he does not appear in any of the transcribed ships records or lists during this period.[5] However, it is quite possible that William Cotton landed in New England or James City and was called to become the second minister of the church formed within the palisades of a fort located in the vicinity of King's and Cherrystone Creeks.[6] The first minister, Francis Bolton (or Boulton), began his work sometime around 1624, and was still mentioned as cleric in 1630.[7] While the reason for replacement is unknown, a possible conclusion may be drawn that the young Reverend William Cotton was called to replace an older or ill Frances Bolton. There are some clues that Bolton may have wished to spend his later years in a more "civilized" region, such as James City or points south.[8] This was also a period of unrest in England which made it difficult to find proper Anglican rectors for churches in America. Many of the local ministers came from the ranks of the Puritan dissenters. With the Cotton name associated with some of the Puritan elements, and reports that William Cotton had the "character of 'of a stern Puritan' and the 'career... [that] smacks of New England...'," Cotton may have found the opportunity to take the place of an Anglican minister with an established work, in a somewhat remote area, most welcome.[9]
If Reverend William Cotton thought the road would be easy as an Anglican minister living off the "tithes" taxed to the inhabitants of the region, he was mistaken. It is obvious that there were many, who for whatever reasons, refused to pay their tithes. In the three years between 1634 and 1637, Reverend Cotton brought no less than six lawsuits against individuals for not paying tithes and several more for payment for services, such as funerals. It is interesting to note that the amounts Cotton sued for were rarely more than 100 lbs. of tobacco, while other lawsuits for debts at the time often exceeded ten times that amount. It seemed that either Cotton had to scrape for every penny, or that he was somewhat petty in suing for these small amounts. In addition, Rev. Cotton had to sue to appoint vestrymen and to have a parsonage built.[10] While it is possible that in theology, Cotton was not a whole-hearted Anglican, he did insist on the mechanics of the support of the denomination.[11]
Although there were many lawsuits brought against those who would not do their part in sustaining the livelihood of the minister, during the same period, very few cases of a moral nature were brought before the court by the minister. While Rev. Cotton appeared in the transcripts several times as a witness to a business transaction or giving a deposition, the court records give the impression that he did not spend a great deal of time trying to discipline his congregation through the judicial system. Rev. Cotton had Thomas Allen fined for swearing in 1634, and on a somewhat humorous note to the reader, Cotton had Henry Charlton brought before the court for slander. Mr. Charlton was heard by witnesses calling Rev. Cotton a "black-coated rascal" and wished he could kick him over the "pallyzados" (palisades). In this case, Charlton was sentenced to spend three Sabbath days in stocks, publicly asking for Rev. Cotton's forgiveness.[12] One other clue as to the feelings of the people towards their minister was the absence of reference to him when crises occurred. Few felt kindly enough toward him to remember him in their wills or stand by him when he had to go to court to settle a matter. From the frequency of the cases and the tone of the language, it would seem William Cotton was perceived as a minister going through the motions of his job, who was not a very popular person.[13]
William Cotton's life took a substantial turn in 1637. At some point before July of that year, he married the daughter of one of the most prominent families of the region.[14] Ann Graves was the daughter of Captain Thomas Graves, one of the original settlers of the area and a noted colonial leader. William took his bride, along with five other individuals, and declared a total of seven immigrants for the purpose of obtaining the head rights to 350 acres of land, recorded 10 July 1637. Besides Cotton and his wife, a Richard Hill, Eleanor Hill, Edward Esson, and two negroes were listed.[15] The new home of Rev. William Cotton and his wife was located north of the King's and Cherrystone Creeks area in the region of Hungar's Creek, near to that of William Stone, another influential settler, who later became the governor. Stone had married Verlinda Graves, Ann's sister, making another connection in the family.[16]
William Cotton patented another 300 acres of land 20 February 1638. On this list, he claimed a Henry Pace, John Hayworth, Elizabeth Harris, and the negroes, Domingo and Saconyo (which could have been a variant spelling of Samson or Sambo). It was likely that these were the same two negroes mentioned in his first land patent, though unnamed at that time.[17] The land was located along the main creek of Hungars, near the land of Mr. William Andrews.
Reverend William Cotton named his new plantation, Bunbury, after his home in England. As more people moved to the area around Hungar's Creek, Reverend Cotton was asked to be a regular part of services there. He did agree to preach there once a month in 1639. He also performed the other tasks of funeral services and giving depositions when needed.[18] The plantation apparently did well enough to be a financial support to William and Ann, since after the land patents, there were no other suits filed for delinquent tithes or other demands for provision.[19] In his will, he requested that his debts be paid, but had the confidence that there would be enough left over to leave the plantation, servants and livestock to the family.[20]
Sadly, William Cotton did not live long after finally achieving what most colonists wished for - their own land, a family, and a somewhat comfortable living. Cotton wrote his will in August of 1640, being "weak in body" (ill and not expecting to recover). In addition to information mentioned earlier in this work, it appears that Cotton had two children who died in infancy, since he requested to be buried next to them. He also referred to his "yet unborn" son or daughter.[21] It is altogether possible that he died before his daughter, Verlinda, was born. At the very least, he died while she was an infant, since by 1642, Ann had remarried.[22]
While Ann's marriage to Reverend William Cotton seemed a satisfactory one, her subsequent marriage to Nathaniel Eaton did not turn out as well. He replaced Cotton as rector of Hungar's Parish, but his past dealings in Massachusetts should have sent up red flags for both his potential public service and private life. He apparently left New England under a cloud of debt, and accusations of ill treatment of family, students and co-workers. Eaton lost little time in laying claim to the Cotton plantation, by virtue of his marriage to Ann, and selling off 350 acres to John Holloway on 7 October 1642.[23] Eaton then reportedly deserted Ann and their two sons, Samuel and Nathaniel, and returned to England in 1647. He died in debt there in 1674.[24]
Apparently Ann Graves Cotton Eaton assumed Nathaniel Eaton had died, because by 1657 she had married Reverend Francis Doughy. He also had Puritan leanings, and succeeded John Rozier, who had taken Eaton's place in 1644. Interestingly, shortly before their marriage, Doughty issued a notice that he would not claim any of Ann's estate. Ann apparently had learned her lesson. The couple moved to Charles County, Maryland, where Ann Graves Cotton Eaton Doughty died 2 March 1682/83.[25]
William and Ann's daughter, Verlinda, born shortly before or just after her father's death in 1640/41, married Thomas Burdett 1 September 1658. The Burdett name was another prominent one on the Eastern Shore. Thomas' father, William Burdett, owned a sizeable amount of land, was a respected businessman, and was part of the court. Thomas was his only biological child. Thomas and Verlinda had four children: Elizabeth, who married John Hamilton and later Richard Chandler; Frances, who possibly married a Col. Charles Ashton; Parthenia, who apparently was unmarried; and Sarah, who married Gerard Fowke, Jr.[26]
Thomas Burdett died sometime before 2 March 1667/8, and Verlinda married Richard Boughton sometime after 24 June 1668.27 They also had four children: Samuel, who did not appear to marry; Verlinda, who also appeared to remain unmarried; Katherine, who married a Benony Thomas; and Mary, of whom nothing further could be found. Verlinda and Richard Boughton moved to Charles County, Maryland, where Boughton held various jobs and offices in the government. Verlinda Cotton Burdett Boughton died in 1683. [28]
Reverend William Cotton could have potentially been just another name on a list of people born in poor circumstances who lived a relatively short life during a time when living was difficult. But somehow he obtained a good education, immigrated to America, took advantage of opportunities presented to him, and made an impression on the society of his day. He tenaciously fought to get what was owed to him, married well, obtained land near influential neighbors, and finally realized what many would call the "American dream" - his own plantation, a somewhat respected profession, a family, and relative financial freedom. The fact that he did not live long after achieving the dream would seem to be the only deep disappointment for William Cotton. His family intersected with some of the great names of that time and his daughter produced offspring that continued the family line to this day. Truly the footprint left by William Cotton on the Eastern Shore is a large and lasting one.
1 Cotton Genealogy Studies, Internet,;

2 Northampton County Court Records, 1645-1654, Wills, Deeds, etc. (contains others), Vol. 3, No. 3, indexed, p. 55.
3 Parish Register, 1559-1653, Bunbury, Cheshire, England, as quoted by John Hopkins, Archivist, Cheshire County Record Office,, and by William R. Gann in "ChronicleWm.Cotton#2.doc" from
4 Venn, John, and Venn, J.A., Alumni Cantabrigienses- A Biographical List of all Known Students, Graduates and Holders of Office at the University of Cambridge, From the Earliest Times to 1900, Part I (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1922), pp. xxvii, 404.
5 "A Muster of the Inhabitance of the Easterne Shore Over the Baye" in "Musters of the Inhabitants of Virginia 1624/5" taken from Adventurers of Purse and Person Virginia 1607-1624/5 edited by Virginia M. Meyer and John F. Dorman, Order of First Families of Virginia, 1987, pp.68-71.
6 According to Kirk Mariner in Revival's Children: A Religious History of the Eastern Shore (Salisbury, Maryland: Peninsula Press, 1979), p. 610, this church was called "The Towne," and was the earliest known church building on the Eastern Shore. Court records indicated by 1634 it was already in need of some repairs and was built within a stockade.
7 Wise, Jennings Cropper, Ye Kingdome of Accowmacke or the Eastern Shore of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century (Richmond, Va.: The Bell Book and Stationery Co., 1911), pp. 254-255.
8 Francis Bolton was reportedly seen in James City in 1630 according to Ralph Whitelaw, Virginia's Eastern Shore - A History of Northampton and Accomack Counties (Camden, ME: Picton Press, 1989), p. 171. Also, William Cotton appealed to James City during his early ministry for orders to appoint vestrymen and to have a parsonage built, indicating a continuing connection to that region and perhaps Bolton. Francis Bolton appeared as a witness to a land transaction near Elizabeth City, 6 February 1632 according to Nell Marion Nugent, Cavaliers and Pioneers - Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants -1623-1666, Volume One (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1979), p. 16.
9 Mariner, Revival's Children - A Religious History of the Eastern Shore, pp. 4-5.
10 Ames, Susie, ed., American Legal Records Vol. 7, County Court Records of Accomack-Northampton Virginia, 1632-1640 (Washington, D.C.: American Historical Association, 1954), pp. 10, 24, 26, 28, 45, 64, 98, 101, 121.
11 Wise, Jennings Cropper, Ye Kingdome of Accowmacke or the Eastern Shore of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century, p.256.
12 Ames, Susie, ed., American Legal Records Vol. 7, County Court Records of Accomack-Northampton Virginia, 1632-1640, pp. 15, 28, 58, 62, 145.
13 Ames, Susie M., Studies of the Virginia Eastern Shore in the Seventeenth Century (Richmond, VA.: The Dietz Press, Publishers, 1946), pp. 224-225.
14 Wulfeck, Dorothy Ford, Marriages of Some Virginia Residents, 1607-1800, Vol. 1 (Baltimore, MD.: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1986), p. 160.
15 Nugent, Nell Marion, Cavaliers and Pioneers - Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants -1623-1666, Volume One (Baltimore, MD.: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1979), p. 59. While the negroes are unnamed in this entry, it appears that Cotton used them the following year in another land patent (p. 101); Hiden, P.W., "Three Rectors of Hungar's Parish and Their Wife", William & Mary Quarterly, Jan. 1939, Vol. 19, No. 1, p. 34-35. Hiden referred to Wise's "Early History of the Eastern Shore" to comment that the two negroes brought in by William Cotton came from the West Indies and are the first slaves mentioned in the old records. Richard Hill appears two other times in land patent lists, and could have been an indentured servant. He appeared in the court records several times giving depositions and as a witness to financial dealings. He was listed as a juror in the court of 1648 (Ames, Court Records 1645-1651, p. 306). Edward Esson appeared again as Edward Eason on a later transport list along with Richard Hill.
16 Greer, George Cabell, Early Virginia Immigrants - 1623-1666 (Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1988), p. 80, 107, 160; Perry, James R., The Formation of a Society on Virginia's Eastern Shore, 1615-1655 (Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina Press, 1990), p. 71.
17 Nugent, Cavaliers and Pioneers - Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants -1623-1666, Volume One, p. 101. Cotton left Domingo to his yet unborn child in his will. Later court records mention a Domingo as a servant to William Hawley (1645), and as transferred from Hawley to John Stringer (1647). Finally, a "Domingo Mathews - Negro" is mentioned (1650). It is probable these refer to the same person, as there were relatively few black servants in the area and very unlikely two would possess the same name.
18 Ibid., p. 183.
19 Ames, Susie, ed., American Legal Records Vol. 7, County Court Records of Accomack-Northampton Virginia, 1632-1640, p. 128, 145, 158, 159.
20 Northampton County Court Records, 1645-1654, p. 55.
21 Ibid., p. 55.
22 Nugent, Nell Marion, Cavaliers and Pioneers - Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants -1623-1666, Volume One, p. 135.
23 Nugent, , Nell Marion, Cavaliers and Pioneers - Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants -1623-1666, Volume One, p. 135. Fortunately, the land was retrieved when Verlinda Cotton Burdett claimed the land as heir to her father (Whitelaw, Virginia's Eastern Shore, p. 356).
24 Hiden, P.W., "Three Rectors of Hungar's Parish and Their Wife", p. 37.
25 Mariner, Revival's Children - A Religious History of the Eastern Shore, p. 5; William R. Gann, "ChronicleWm.Cotton#2.doc."
26 Doliante, Sharon, Maryland and Virginia Colonials: Genealogies of Some Colonial Families, Vol. I (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1991), p. 325. Gerald Fowke, Jr., was the half-brother of Richard Chandler, who married Elizabeth Burdett. Chandler's parents were Job and Anne (Thoroughgood) Chandler and Gerald was the son of Gerald and Anne (Thoroughgood)- Chandler Fowke.
27 Meyer, Virginia, and Dorman, John Frederick, editors, Adventurers of Purse and Person, Virginia, 1607-1624/5 (Richmond, VA: Dietz Press, Inc., 1987), p. 332. Date of Thomas Burdett's death determined when administration of his estate was granted to his wife. Date of marriage to Richard Boughton determined by a deed of gift to Verlinda's children given before her "intended marriage" to Boughton.
28 Ibid., p. 333. There is a Benony (or Benoni) Thomas mentioned as a son of Mary Stone Thomas (related to Verlinda Graves Stone), but it is unknown if they are the same person. Also, the records show Richard Boughton marrying a person named Honor by March 1694. Boughton died before 29 June 1706 (when son Samuel was granted administration of his estate).

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Monday, August 18, 2008

The Footprint Of William Cotton On The Eastern Shore

The Footprint Of William Cotton On The Eastern Shore
By Katherine E. Bird
According to the traditions and beliefs of the Egyptians and Native Americans, as long as a person's name remains among the living in some form, it will never be extinct. And so it is with a man such as William Cotton, dead for over 350 years, yet at this time continuing to be researched, discussed, and written about in numerous university studies. While only in America for a brief time - probably no more than fifteen years - his influence and reputation as a minister, along with his connections to some of the more influential families of the early settlements of the lower Eastern Shore, make him a person worthy of note. An attempt will be made in this narrative to reconstruct a mural of this life through legal documents and court records, as well as some contributions by those who have thoroughly researched this place and period. Hopefully, a clearer image of William Cotton will emerge and contribute to the overall picture of the lives on the Eastern Shore of Virginia in the early colonial period.

William Cotton's early life and the exact circumstances of his appearance in the New World are somewhat of a mystery. Various researchers have placed his birthdate from 1599 to 1610. Many list his father as Andrew Cotton, although there is little substantiation behind this name.[1] William Cotton's will named Joane Cotton as his mother, and his former home as Bunbury, Cheshire, England.[2] The Bunbury parish register lists a William Cotton as being baptized 18 March 1609/10, son of Jeffry (or Jeffray) Cotton. Other children of Jeffry and Joane were Peter (b. 1607), John (b. 1613), Elizabeth (b. 1615, died in infancy), Elizabeth (b. 1616/17), and Richard (b. 1622). Jeffry Cotton was recorded as "a poor man of the parish" at his burial on 28 December 1622 in Bunbury, and Joane a "poor woman of the parish" at her burial in Bunbury on 23 March 1642/43.[3]
With parents considered "poor," and having five siblings, it is difficult to know for certain how William Cotton received his education for the ministry. While he may have been tutored, it is also possible he had a sponsor who saw promise in him and sent him to further his education at one of the universities. There is a promising record from Cambridge University of a William Cotton, who matriculated "sizar" from St. John's College at Michaelmas (one of three terms) in 1627. This could be the same William Cotton, as he would have been eighteen, and many graduates were as young as sixteen. Also, the rank of "sizar" was the lowest, or third, of three ranks. A "sizar" performed many menial services at this time, probably not something done by the students of wealthier families.[4]
If the 1627 graduation date is used, William Cotton immigrated to America no earlier than 1627 and no later than 1632. He was not on the list of persons residing on the Eastern Shore in 1624/5, but by 1632 was the minister when the monthly court was formed. An exact year of immigration cannot be determined at this time, as he does not appear in any of the transcribed ships records or lists during this period.[5] However, it is quite possible that William Cotton landed in New England or James City and was called to become the second minister of the church formed within the palisades of a fort located in the vicinity of King's and Cherrystone Creeks.[6] The first minister, Francis Bolton (or Boulton), began his work sometime around 1624, and was still mentioned as cleric in 1630.[7] While the reason for replacement is unknown, a possible conclusion may be drawn that the young Reverend William Cotton was called to replace an older or ill Frances Bolton. There are some clues that Bolton may have wished to spend his later years in a more "civilized" region, such as James City or points south.[8] This was also a period of unrest in England which made it difficult to find proper Anglican rectors for churches in America. Many of the local ministers came from the ranks of the Puritan dissenters. With the Cotton name associated with some of the Puritan elements, and reports that William Cotton had the "character of 'of a stern Puritan' and the 'career... [that] smacks of New England...'," Cotton may have found the opportunity to take the place of an Anglican minister with an established work, in a somewhat remote area, most welcome.[9]
If Reverend William Cotton thought the road would be easy as an Anglican minister living off the "tithes" taxed to the inhabitants of the region, he was mistaken. It is obvious that there were many, who for whatever reasons, refused to pay their tithes. In the three years between 1634 and 1637, Reverend Cotton brought no less than six lawsuits against individuals for not paying tithes and several more for payment for services, such as funerals. It is interesting to note that the amounts Cotton sued for were rarely more than 100 lbs. of tobacco, while other lawsuits for debts at the time often exceeded ten times that amount. It seemed that either Cotton had to scrape for every penny, or that he was somewhat petty in suing for these small amounts. In addition, Rev. Cotton had to sue to appoint vestrymen and to have a parsonage built.[10] While it is possible that in theology, Cotton was not a whole-hearted Anglican, he did insist on the mechanics of the support of the denomination.[11]
Although there were many lawsuits brought against those who would not do their part in sustaining the livelihood of the minister, during the same period, very few cases of a moral nature were brought before the court by the minister. While Rev. Cotton appeared in the transcripts several times as a witness to a business transaction or giving a deposition, the court records give the impression that he did not spend a great deal of time trying to discipline his congregation through the judicial system. Rev. Cotton had Thomas Allen fined for swearing in 1634, and on a somewhat humorous note to the reader, Cotton had Henry Charlton brought before the court for slander. Mr. Charlton was heard by witnesses calling Rev. Cotton a "black-coated rascal" and wished he could kick him over the "pallyzados" (palisades). In this case, Charlton was sentenced to spend three Sabbath days in stocks, publicly asking for Rev. Cotton's forgiveness.[12] One other clue as to the feelings of the people towards their minister was the absence of reference to him when crises occurred. Few felt kindly enough toward him to remember him in their wills or stand by him when he had to go to court to settle a matter. From the frequency of the cases and the tone of the language, it would seem William Cotton was perceived as a minister going through the motions of his job, who was not a very popular person.[13]
William Cotton's life took a substantial turn in 1637. At some point before July of that year, he married the daughter of one of the most prominent families of the region.[14] Ann Graves was the daughter of Captain Thomas Graves, one of the original settlers of the area and a noted colonial leader. William took his bride, along with five other individuals, and declared a total of seven immigrants for the purpose of obtaining the head rights to 350 acres of land, recorded 10 July 1637. Besides Cotton and his wife, a Richard Hill, Eleanor Hill, Edward Esson, and two negroes were listed.[15] The new home of Rev. William Cotton and his wife was located north of the King's and Cherrystone Creeks area in the region of Hungar's Creek, near to that of William Stone, another influential settler, who later became the governor. Stone had married Verlinda Graves, Ann's sister, making another connection in the family.[16]
William Cotton patented another 300 acres of land 20 February 1638. On this list, he claimed a Henry Pace, John Hayworth, Elizabeth Harris, and the negroes, Domingo and Saconyo (which could have been a variant spelling of Samson or Sambo). It was likely that these were the same two negroes mentioned in his first land patent, though unnamed at that time.[17] The land was located along the main creek of Hungars, near the land of Mr. William Andrews.
Reverend William Cotton named his new plantation, Bunbury, after his home in England. As more people moved to the area around Hungar's Creek, Reverend Cotton was asked to be a regular part of services there. He did agree to preach there once a month in 1639. He also performed the other tasks of funeral services and giving depositions when needed.[18] The plantation apparently did well enough to be a financial support to William and Ann, since after the land patents, there were no other suits filed for delinquent tithes or other demands for provision.[19] In his will, he requested that his debts be paid, but had the confidence that there would be enough left over to leave the plantation, servants and livestock to the family.[20]
Sadly, William Cotton did not live long after finally achieving what most colonists wished for - their own land, a family, and a somewhat comfortable living. Cotton wrote his will in August of 1640, being "weak in body" (ill and not expecting to recover). In addition to information mentioned earlier in this work, it appears that Cotton had two children who died in infancy, since he requested to be buried next to them. He also referred to his "yet unborn" son or daughter.[21] It is altogether possible that he died before his daughter, Verlinda, was born. At the very least, he died while she was an infant, since by 1642, Ann had remarried.[22]
While Ann's marriage to Reverend William Cotton seemed a satisfactory one, her subsequent marriage to Nathaniel Eaton did not turn out as well. He replaced Cotton as rector of Hungar's Parish, but his past dealings in Massachusetts should have sent up red flags for both his potential public service and private life. He apparently left New England under a cloud of debt, and accusations of ill treatment of family, students and co-workers. Eaton lost little time in laying claim to the Cotton plantation, by virtue of his marriage to Ann, and selling off 350 acres to John Holloway on 7 October 1642.[23] Eaton then reportedly deserted Ann and their two sons, Samuel and Nathaniel, and returned to England in 1647. He died in debt there in 1674.[24]
Apparently Ann Graves Cotton Eaton assumed Nathaniel Eaton had died, because by 1657 she had married Reverend Francis Doughy. He also had Puritan leanings, and succeeded John Rozier, who had taken Eaton's place in 1644. Interestingly, shortly before their marriage, Doughty issued a notice that he would not claim any of Ann's estate. Ann apparently had learned her lesson. The couple moved to Charles County, Maryland, where Ann Graves Cotton Eaton Doughty died 2 March 1682/83.[25]
William and Ann's daughter, Verlinda, born shortly before or just after her father's death in 1640/41, married Thomas Burdett 1 September 1658. The Burdett name was another prominent one on the Eastern Shore. Thomas' father, William Burdett, owned a sizeable amount of land, was a respected businessman, and was part of the court. Thomas was his only biological child. Thomas and Verlinda had four children: Elizabeth, who married John Hamilton and later Richard Chandler; Frances, who possibly married a Col. Charles Ashton; Parthenia, who apparently was unmarried; and Sarah, who married Gerard Fowke, Jr.[26]
Thomas Burdett died sometime before 2 March 1667/8, and Verlinda married Richard Boughton sometime after 24 June 1668.27 They also had four children: Samuel, who did not appear to marry; Verlinda, who also appeared to remain unmarried; Katherine, who married a Benony Thomas; and Mary, of whom nothing further could be found. Verlinda and Richard Boughton moved to Charles County, Maryland, where Boughton held various jobs and offices in the government. Verlinda Cotton Burdett Boughton died in 1683. [28]
Reverend William Cotton could have potentially been just another name on a list of people born in poor circumstances who lived a relatively short life during a time when living was difficult. But somehow he obtained a good education, immigrated to America, took advantage of opportunities presented to him, and made an impression on the society of his day. He tenaciously fought to get what was owed to him, married well, obtained land near influential neighbors, and finally realized what many would call the "American dream" - his own plantation, a somewhat respected profession, a family, and relative financial freedom. The fact that he did not live long after achieving the dream would seem to be the only deep disappointment for William Cotton. His family intersected with some of the great names of that time and his daughter produced offspring that continued the family line to this day. Truly the footprint left by William Cotton on the Eastern Shore is a large and lasting one.
1 Cotton Genealogy Studies, Internet,;

2 Northampton County Court Records, 1645-1654, Wills, Deeds, etc. (contains others), Vol. 3, No. 3, indexed, p. 55.
3 Parish Register, 1559-1653, Bunbury, Cheshire, England, as quoted by John Hopkins, Archivist, Cheshire County Record Office,, and by William R. Gann in "ChronicleWm.Cotton#2.doc" from
4 Venn, John, and Venn, J.A., Alumni Cantabrigienses- A Biographical List of all Known Students, Graduates and Holders of Office at the University of Cambridge, From the Earliest Times to 1900, Part I (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1922), pp. xxvii, 404.
5 "A Muster of the Inhabitance of the Easterne Shore Over the Baye" in "Musters of the Inhabitants of Virginia 1624/5" taken from Adventurers of Purse and Person Virginia 1607-1624/5 edited by Virginia M. Meyer and John F. Dorman, Order of First Families of Virginia, 1987, pp.68-71.
6 According to Kirk Mariner in Revival's Children: A Religious History of the Eastern Shore (Salisbury, Maryland: Peninsula Press, 1979), p. 610, this church was called "The Towne," and was the earliest known church building on the Eastern Shore. Court records indicated by 1634 it was already in need of some repairs and was built within a stockade.
7 Wise, Jennings Cropper, Ye Kingdome of Accowmacke or the Eastern Shore of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century (Richmond, Va.: The Bell Book and Stationery Co., 1911), pp. 254-255.
8 Francis Bolton was reportedly seen in James City in 1630 according to Ralph Whitelaw, Virginia's Eastern Shore - A History of Northampton and Accomack Counties (Camden, ME: Picton Press, 1989), p. 171. Also, William Cotton appealed to James City during his early ministry for orders to appoint vestrymen and to have a parsonage built, indicating a continuing connection to that region and perhaps Bolton. Francis Bolton appeared as a witness to a land transaction near Elizabeth City, 6 February 1632 according to Nell Marion Nugent, Cavaliers and Pioneers - Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants -1623-1666, Volume One (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1979), p. 16.
9 Mariner, Revival's Children - A Religious History of the Eastern Shore, pp. 4-5.
10 Ames, Susie, ed., American Legal Records Vol. 7, County Court Records of Accomack-Northampton Virginia, 1632-1640 (Washington, D.C.: American Historical Association, 1954), pp. 10, 24, 26, 28, 45, 64, 98, 101, 121.
11 Wise, Jennings Cropper, Ye Kingdome of Accowmacke or the Eastern Shore of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century, p.256.
12 Ames, Susie, ed., American Legal Records Vol. 7, County Court Records of Accomack-Northampton Virginia, 1632-1640, pp. 15, 28, 58, 62, 145.
13 Ames, Susie M., Studies of the Virginia Eastern Shore in the Seventeenth Century (Richmond, VA.: The Dietz Press, Publishers, 1946), pp. 224-225.
14 Wulfeck, Dorothy Ford, Marriages of Some Virginia Residents, 1607-1800, Vol. 1 (Baltimore, MD.: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1986), p. 160.
15 Nugent, Nell Marion, Cavaliers and Pioneers - Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants -1623-1666, Volume One (Baltimore, MD.: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1979), p. 59. While the negroes are unnamed in this entry, it appears that Cotton used them the following year in another land patent (p. 101); Hiden, P.W., "Three Rectors of Hungar's Parish and Their Wife", William & Mary Quarterly, Jan. 1939, Vol. 19, No. 1, p. 34-35. Hiden referred to Wise's "Early History of the Eastern Shore" to comment that the two negroes brought in by William Cotton came from the West Indies and are the first slaves mentioned in the old records. Richard Hill appears two other times in land patent lists, and could have been an indentured servant. He appeared in the court records several times giving depositions and as a witness to financial dealings. He was listed as a juror in the court of 1648 (Ames, Court Records 1645-1651, p. 306). Edward Esson appeared again as Edward Eason on a later transport list along with Richard Hill.
16 Greer, George Cabell, Early Virginia Immigrants - 1623-1666 (Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1988), p. 80, 107, 160; Perry, James R., The Formation of a Society on Virginia's Eastern Shore, 1615-1655 (Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina Press, 1990), p. 71.
17 Nugent, Cavaliers and Pioneers - Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants -1623-1666, Volume One, p. 101. Cotton left Domingo to his yet unborn child in his will. Later court records mention a Domingo as a servant to William Hawley (1645), and as transferred from Hawley to John Stringer (1647). Finally, a "Domingo Mathews - Negro" is mentioned (1650). It is probable these refer to the same person, as there were relatively few black servants in the area and very unlikely two would possess the same name.
18 Ibid., p. 183.
19 Ames, Susie, ed., American Legal Records Vol. 7, County Court Records of Accomack-Northampton Virginia, 1632-1640, p. 128, 145, 158, 159.
20 Northampton County Court Records, 1645-1654, p. 55.
21 Ibid., p. 55.
22 Nugent, Nell Marion, Cavaliers and Pioneers - Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants -1623-1666, Volume One, p. 135.
23 Nugent, , Nell Marion, Cavaliers and Pioneers - Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants -1623-1666, Volume One, p. 135. Fortunately, the land was retrieved when Verlinda Cotton Burdett claimed the land as heir to her father (Whitelaw, Virginia's Eastern Shore, p. 356).
24 Hiden, P.W., "Three Rectors of Hungar's Parish and Their Wife", p. 37.
25 Mariner, Revival's Children - A Religious History of the Eastern Shore, p. 5; William R. Gann, "ChronicleWm.Cotton#2.doc."
26 Doliante, Sharon, Maryland and Virginia Colonials: Genealogies of Some Colonial Families, Vol. I (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1991), p. 325. Gerald Fowke, Jr., was the half-brother of Richard Chandler, who married Elizabeth Burdett. Chandler's parents were Job and Anne (Thoroughgood) Chandler and Gerald was the son of Gerald and Anne (Thoroughgood)- Chandler Fowke.
27 Meyer, Virginia, and Dorman, John Frederick, editors, Adventurers of Purse and Person, Virginia, 1607-1624/5 (Richmond, VA: Dietz Press, Inc., 1987), p. 332. Date of Thomas Burdett's death determined when administration of his estate was granted to his wife. Date of marriage to Richard Boughton determined by a deed of gift to Verlinda's children given before her "intended marriage" to Boughton.
28 Ibid., p. 333. There is a Benony (or Benoni) Thomas mentioned as a son of Mary Stone Thomas (related to Verlinda Graves Stone), but it is unknown if they are the same person. Also, the records show Richard Boughton marrying a person named Honor by March 1694. Boughton died before 29 June 1706 (when son Samuel was granted administration of his estate).